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Forums d'A TA TURQUIE :: Voir le sujet - ROCK'N COKE 2007 ISTANBUL
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Inscrit le: 25 Nov 2006
Messages: 1441

MessagePosté le: 23 Juin 2007 23:14    Sujet du message: ROCK'N COKE 2007 ISTANBUL Répondre en citant

ça y est le programme est connu:

le 31 août

les 1 et 2 sept 2007


Il y aura, entre autres, PENTAGRAM :

Main Stage - 02.09.2007

When one says Turkish Heavy Metal, the first successful and highly respectable act to come to mind is without a doubt, Pentagram. Founded in the mid-80s, the band first brought trash-speed metal music to Turkish music-lovers with a concert in Moda, which is remembered to this day as the “Legendary Moda Concert”.

Following an unforgettable performance at Açık Hava Theater, Pentagram began recording their first professional studio album which was released in 1990. Two songs off of the album, Rotten Dogs and Powerstage were huge hits. Pentagram lovers quickly united and formed a fanclub which they named Powerstage. The band succeeded in selling tens of thousands of albums, setting untouchable records, which gave them a well-deserved reputation as the best metal rock band of their generation.

While promoting their first album, the group gave many concerts and went out on an extensive tour. The group came up with the idea to release a live album made up of songs performed while on tour and the result was Live At The Trail. The album attracted a lot of attention for the songs Rotten Dogs, the Megadeth cover Peace Sells, Mephistopheles, Brain On The Wall and Sex Pistols cove Anarchy in the UK. In 1992 Demir Demirkan and Ogün Þanlısoy joined forces with Pentagram and the album Trail Blazer was released. The band attracted a lot of attention for the anti-war lyrics on the album.

In 1997 the band’s album Anatolia was released. For the first time in the history of the band, a Pentagram album featured Turkish songs. These 3 songs featured a new sound that combined metal with Anatolian melodies. Following the release of the album, the band played at dozens of venues. The band released a live concert album from their performance at Açık Hava Theater, the concert which received the most attention.

Towards the end of 2001, the band released “Unspoken” to music markets everywhere. In order to set themselves apart from bands called Pentagram in other countries, the band changed their name to Mezarkabul for the international market. During this period of time, the band also released a Turkish-language only album entitled Bir.

The group’s highly anticipated new album was released this past year with much fanfare. Since then the band has been performing at many festivals and events both domestically and internationally.


Ca va se dérouler à l'aéroport Hazerfen, à Istanbul :

Turkey’s biggest open air festival Rock’n Coke Istanbul will take place at Hezarfen Airfield on August 31st, September 1st and September 2nd and will be made possible thanks to main sponsor, The Coca-Cola Company.

With its content, musical vision and its structuring, Rock’n Coke stands alone among the other events in Turkey.
Open air music events have become an integral part of many cultures in the world and the main field of attraction for the majority of population, especially for the younger population

Bearing this simple fact in mind, Rock’n Coke Music Festival’s prior goal is to stimulate this “global” tradition in Turkey and provide a common platform for a wide range of people.

Rock’n Coke Music Festival, where music is the basic motivation, aims to offer an alternative life experience to 55.000 people for two full days and to build a cultural and artistic village.

Hezarfen Airfield is a peninsula surrounded by the lake of Büyükçekmece and it is 50km away from the city center.

The festival hosts world famous bands and DJ’s and local musicians.

In addition, Rock’n Coke offers many facilities such as camping, food & beverage area, shopping, first aid, toilets, parking lot, info points.

In just four short years, Rock’n Coke has succeeded in becoming one of the world’s most-anticipated music festivals. Up until now, Rock’n Coke has hosted 79 foreign acts, 56 domestic acts and over 500 musicians. Rock’n Coke has gained a sterling reputation for presenting the biggest names in Alternative Rock to tens of thousands of music-lovers. Past Acts include Pet Shop Boys, Iggy & the Stooges, The Cure, Placebo, Muse, Simple Minds, Suede, The Cardigans, 50 Cents, The Rasmus, Korn, The Offspring, and Skin.

Les prix des tickets varient entre 35 euros (un jour) et 75 euros
« Le faux courage attend les grandes occasions... Le courage véritable consiste chaque jour à vaincre les petits ennemis. »
[ Paul Nizan ]
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Inscrit le: 04 Déc 2006
Messages: 225

MessagePosté le: 23 Juin 2007 23:34    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Oh OUI ! OUI ! OUI YES YES YES ! Cool Surprised Very Happy Laughing Smile Idea

Mais les 31,1,2... je ne peux être là-bas Crying or Very sad

Pire, je n'ai pas DREAM TV pour voir Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

Si une bonne pourrait la mettre sur Daily Arrow
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